Sunday, April 30, 2006

more on the patio

out on the patio

Friday, April 28, 2006

sibling snuggles

The weather has been really fickle lately, eighty and sunny one day, snowing the next. Really! On the nice days, though, we've been really enjoying hanging out in the backyard. It's great for all of us...Josie builds sandcastles, Jasper eats them. Josie fills a bucket to water a plant, Jasper dumps it over his head.

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

josie and jasper in their favorite states

Josie, stunningly mismatched in the rain

Jasper, nude on the rug

After a week of beautiful weather, we planted seeds for cantaloupe and green beans. The next day it snowed!

Jasper's crawling everywhere and pulling up on everything he can find--particularly in the kitchen, where he hopes he can reach up high enough to reach a snack. Josie revels in tickling her baby brother and saying "no Jasper! that is not for you!!" and asking if she can *please* share her snack with Jaspie.

Friday, April 21, 2006

stuck in the middle