Wednesday, July 5, 2006

Cherries Jubilee!

OK, we seem to have a fruit theme going in this family. Or maybe just food. I think it is caused by Jasper, the never-ending dinner guest. At any rate, we spent the 3rd of July on the Western Slope helping out with the bing cherry harvest.

Josie-o is a very efficient worker, who got a bag and set about her task:

Jasper is a very efficient eater, who got the box and set about his task:

Josie did not hesitate to join Mama on the ladder to get more cherries:

Jasper Did not hesitate to wait at the bottom of the ladder for cherries to drop down:

I think the only thing he likes more than cherries is dog food. He can smell that stuff from miles. Note the discarded cherry remnants all over his lap. Now that I think about it, no one told him he could eat cherries, I set him down and he just assumed they went in his mouth...

Josie Hugs Jasper, Jasper chews on a cherry leaf (equal opportunity eating):

After an exhausting day and a short night, the team poses at the Sonnenshien Alpinhaus Bavarian:

26.8 lbs of cherries back in our kitchen (less what we ate on the way home):

Anyone want some cherries? If you don't eat them, Jasper will!


Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing the beautiful pictures and story. Sisi-O

Anonymous said...

Congratulations to Josie for hitting the BIG 3.5!