Monday, February 4, 2008

me pwum

Jasper: It snows! (after looking out the window while eating a plate of (still) frozen vegetable bits)
Mommy: It sure is! It's been snowing all day little sugarplum!
Boy: Yup, me pwum. Me super pwum. Me save day, ta da da da (skips/runs to freezer to refill plate of frozen vegetables).
Wonder Mommy: You sure like those. Wow, you're a big eater today.
Super Plum: Yeah, me super pwum, me big eater. Two-fwee times. (stuffs face with veggie bits)

favorite book: Jasper: any book with trains, cars, etc. Josie: anything she can read herself.
on the cd player: Fascinating Creatures, Frances England. Josie's favorite traack is 'Daddy-o"
catchphrases: Josie - anything written; Jasper - no, mebigboy. teeny weeny. Adelaide - laughter!

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