Saturday, January 13, 2007

Blizzard of 06 part 1

I personally don't think it counts as a real blizzard, but they keep calling it that. Tuesday the 21st of December it started snowing pretty early. By noon, the old workplace had shut down and everyone was headed home. Driving home was slow but OK (I snuck in on side side streets) but my attempt to get up the driveway faltered and I slid off into the neighbor's yard downhill. I got in the house to find the kids both had developed ear infections, and while I went out to shovel, Amanda called the doctor. By the time I got to the end of the driveway, 12 inches had fallen, 2 of which were already covering the top of the driveway where I had started. I started over. Amanda came out and said that we had half an hour to get to the doctors, they were shutting down and wouldn't be in tomorrow either. Of course my car was stuck half in the neighbor's yard, and there was no backing up to clear the driveway, so I had to drive it down into their yard to get the other car out to run to the doctor. Although slow and treacherous, we made it there and back and they locked up behind us when we left (about 3). This time pulling in the drive, we got a running start and ... slid off into the neighbor's yard faster. This time I was lucky to get it off of the street! I shoveled the rest of the afternoon just trying to keep up with it. A friend with a truck helped me pull the cars out later, and get them buried in the garage.

The next day the snow stopped falling precisely at noon. We were up to 26 inches, leaving me only about 12 more inches to shovel: I can't seem to get blogger to accept the rotated version of the photo below, but note the snow on our four foot fence:
Josie and I belly flopped off of the front porch right into the powder; normally we've got 3 steps:
Here's Jasper showing us the way back up the path. Check out the snow overhang over the kitchen window shaped by the wind:
By whatever miracle (OK, route to the Hospital) our street was one of the first to get plowed. 3 weeks later, I still have this wall of ice out front:
After shoveling out, Josie and I had a big enough pile for a 12 foot long snow tunnel!What to do on a snow day morning? Bake hoska bread and serve it in bed while watching the weather channel!

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