Saturday, January 13, 2007

West Coast Turkey

I think the best way to do this is chronologically. Since my last post will be first, I guess I should start the other way around, but I'll start at November so everyone can look at photos of Josie at the top of the page!

We had a really wonderful time in SF at Thanksgiving, although as usual, the stomach flu hit. No photos of that. I think I have three more digital rolls of photos on my computer at work, so I'll start with the ones here at home and fill in the rest later. Turns out, none involve Thanksgiving! Here's a smattering of photos from a trip to the park late in our trip:

Cousins visit down at the old boneless chicken farm:
Deep philosophies are discussed at the old watering hole:
Life's complex issues solved by a crispy creme donut:

Sisi and Uncle Brian celebrate birthdays, courtesy of another one of our extravagant and odd birthday cakes (see post from last June, Amanda's birthday, and post about Josie's birthday at the top) In this case, it took the form of a jelly-roll type yule log with almond bark icing and twig-like branches fashioned from cinnamon bark:
And Amanda and I got some time to go down into the city for a little while. Of course the one I used a flash fill to take had our eyes closed:

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